
Tackling The 10 Most Common Foot Problems

Tackling The 10 Most Common Foot Problems

Tackling The 10 Most Common Foot Problems

Feet go through a lot of work each day – including walking, climbing, jumping, and running. It is natural to run into problems once in a while with your feet, so having a good podiatrist in Renton that you can work with will make all the difference.

Damage and malfunction can lead to specific food problems. The human foot is comprised of 26 bones each, which makes them one of the more intricate parts of the body. When you are aging, wearing the wrong footwear, or suffering from a condition like diabetes, there are several foot concerns that you need to be aware of.

Athlete’s Foot

This is a fungal infection of the skin that usually sprouts up in between the toes. If left untreated, this condition can spread and lead to a great deal of itching, discomfort, and pain. Athlete’s Foot usually comes from walking barefoot around a public pool, gym or shower, and the fungus thrives in areas that are warm and damp.

Feet should be kept clean and dry, and your podiatrist can help you with the best powders, sprays or lotions to apply to your feet for treatment. In severe cases, you may be prescribed a stronger anti-fungal medication.


These are abnormalities of the feet where a bump develops along the large toe joint that can cause the toe to rest at an inward angle. Bunions are often common with women who wear narrow footwear that creates increased pressure on this area. Some people may also have a family history of bunions or other risk factors like polio, or rheumatoid arthritis can increase the chances of bunion development.

Properly fitting shoes are essential for improving bunion symptoms. Your podiatrist will also be able to prescribe custom inserts for your shoes or a splint that will help with straightening your big toe. In cases where the pain continues, surgical intervention might be recommended.

Diabetic Neuropathy

If you have diabetes, you could be at risk for damage to your feet in the form of Diabetic Neuropathy. The symptoms will include tingling, numbness or pain in the feet and there could be a higher risk of injuries or cuts due to the lack of feeling.

Good health and controlling blood sugar levels is recommended for Diabatic Neuropathy. Your podiatrist will also suggest regular foot exams or that you have your toenails trimmed professionally to minimize the change of a wound developing.

Ingrown Toenails

This is a condition where the toenail will start to grow in the actual nail groove, which leads to discomfort and pain. The cause may be hereditary, cutting the nails too short, or there could be improper footwear that is putting too much pressure on the toes.

If home care and carefully cutting the toenails does not make the condition any better, your podiatrist can talk with you about treating a portion of the toenail by removing it.

Plantar Fasciitis

This is the common cause for heel pain, and the condition occurs when the bottom of the foot along the plantar fascia is inflamed. Some of the risk factors include obesity, tight calf muscles, a high arch, or taking part in activities such as running, which will stress the heel.

Plantar Fasciitis is manageable by resting and icing the foot to cut down on inflammation as well as taking NSAIDs for pain management.


Most people will experience blisters more than once in their lifetime. They can appear after running or walking for an extended period, especially while wearing ill-fitting shoes or the feet have become sweaty. These are raised pockets filled with fluid that are best left to heal on their own.

Should you get regular foot blisters or you have flu-like symptoms with them, you need to speak with your doctor.


These are thickened patches of skin found on the toes or the soles of the feet. They are caused by ill-fitting shoes, hammer toe, or bunions, and tend to start of painless but can turn painful over time.

If you are unable to relieve pressure and heal corns on your own, you may need to see a podiatrist about removal.

Heel Spurs

This is a calcium outgrowth that will often develop between the foot arch and heel bone. Some people may not have symptoms while others may go through a lot of inflammation and pain. Medical imaging is  required for reliable diagnosis, and heel spurs are caused by a long-term strain on the ligaments and muscles, as well as obesity, arthritis, or wearing ill-fitted or worn-out shoes.

You can try cold compresses and over-the-counter pain medications, or your podiatrist may be able to help with orthotic shoe inserts or injections of anti-inflammatory medications.

Claw Toe

Sometimes called claw foot, claw toe is when the first to joint is pointed up and the second joint points downward. This condition might be present at birth, or it could appear suddenly. Some people will be pain-free while others will have significant discomfort.

Claw Toe may stem from other conditions, including cerebral palsy, arthritis, and diabetes. You can talk with your podiatrist about treatments with the proper shoes, splints, medications or the idea of surgical intervention.

Stone Bruise

Also called metatarsalgia, stone bruises can occur after high impact exercises or from wearing ill-fitted shoes. Some patients will also have an underlying condition or the feeling of numbness or sharp pains between their toes or the arch of the foot that will worsen over time.

You can apply an ice pack, rest your foot, or look into adequately fitting shoes. However, when the pain does not get better, or it starts to get worse, you will need to visit your podiatrist for help.

Visit a podiatrist in Renton for help with common foot problems. Call Dr. Hall at (425) 482-6663 at Mill Creek Foot & Ankle Clinic.