Whenever there is any sort of issue with your feet, it is going to be best that you seek the help of a professional who understands podiatry. Such professionals are available to you through Mill Creek Foot and Ankle, where you can get some of the answers that you have been looking for when it comes to foot pain, discomfort in your ankles and so much more. If you are looking for options in orthotic shoes in Mill Creek, we are able to give you some answers.
Custom orthotics can be used to help reduce pain whenever there are abnormal biomechanics that include tendonitis or heel pain. They can also work to reduce the pressure points that can become painful due to hammertoes or bunions. Some people will also benefit from wearing them if they have arthritis, poor circulation or diabetes. Each of these devices are great for improving the strength as well as the function of the feet as they help to align them.
You should try to wear orthotic shoes as much as you can so that you are able to effectively treat your condition. There could be a bit of a break in period that you will have to go through as your muscles and joints try to get used to the new positioning. It is generally a good idea to try to wear new orthotics for a couple of hours each day, gradually increasing the time until your body starts to adjust accordingly and the orthotics become comfortable.
If you’re in need of orthotic shoes in Mill Creek, just make a phone call to Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic at (425)482-6663 and you can make an appointment. We will be happy to work with you to get you properly aligned and feeling like yourself again.