There are plenty of products that you will find over the counter that claim to help you get rid of the callus that has been building up on your foot. However, what they do not tell you is that a callus can keep coming back over and over if you are not working on preventative measures. Instead of falling into an endless pattern of products that do not work, you can contact Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic for professional foot calluses treatment in Renton.
A lot of calluses will start to disappear on a gradual basis whenever there is a good bit of pressure and friction. When you meet with us at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic, you will find that it may be necessary to work on shaving off the top portion of the callus to help bring down the thickness quite a bit. From there, you can work on keeping the area moisturized and making sure that you have ample room inside the shoes that you are wearing.
Ill fitting shoes happen to be a major contributor to a lot of the calluses that people will develop on their feet. You may also find, after working with a professional, that you actually have issues with your gait that could be addressed to make sure that you are able to take a good deal of friction and pressure off of the callused area.
For info on a corn vs callus, call Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic at (425)482-6663. We can help with professional foot calluses treatment in Renton and we look forward to working with you to find a solution moving into the future.