When you find that you are developing a callus that is causing a problem on your foot, it may be natural to think about trying to remove it on your own. However, the last thing that you will want is to end up making the pain any worse. Working with the professionals at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic, you will have a chance at proper foot calluses treatment in Mukilteo to give you results.
Of course, the most common area for the formation of a callus will be on the bottom of your foot, especially on the ball area. This area is where the most weight is throughout the day and the pressure can lead the body to work on protecting the skin by forming a callus. Some calluses can also have a core, while others will be spread out over a larger area of the foot. Any of these areas can become a bit painful as the skin gets thicker.
If you are a person with an underlying health condition like diabetes, the area can end up breaking down and lesions or sores can be produced that will then be at risk for infection. It is generally recommended that people with health conditions do not try any home remedies. Seeing a professional for proper diagnosis and care will be the safest and most effective way to get rid of the calluses that are causing issues on your feet.
For info on a corn vs. callus, call Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic at (425)482-6663. We can help with professional foot calluses treatment in Mukilteo. All you have to do is make a phone call to our staff and we will work on coming up with a treatment to get you back on your feet and enjoying your daily activities once again.