
Foot And Ankle Cancer Treatment In Renton

Whenever you have any sort of problem with your feet, it is crucial that you are able to work with a doctor that is going to listen to you and understand your concerns, as well as any symptoms that you are experiencing. If you are diagnosed with cancer of the foot or ankle, it is also just as important that you are able to get the foot and ankle cancer treatment in Renton that you need to get your health and wellness on track.

Foot And Ankle Cancer Treatment In Renton These are masses that are usually located on the top or side of the foot or even on the toes. Some patients may also have these tumors on the inner portion of the foot. When the tumors grow, they grow slowly, yet most of them will not make it to be much larger than about 4 centimeters. However, these are irregular, firm masses that will usually bring on a good amount of pain.

The treatment of such giant cell tumors will usually be an incision to fully excise the tumor so that the foot can health properly. If you are a good candidate, we may also be able to inject the mass with a solution that could help to shrink down the mass a bit.

Call Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic at (425)482-6663 for swollen ankle cancer, swollen foot cancer and foot and ankle cancer treatment in Renton. We look forward to working with you to make sure that you are able to get the treatment and healing power that you deserve.