
Common Questions About Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment

Common Questions About Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment

platelet rich plasma treatment in Lynnwood
There are many people who are contemplating the use of platelet rich plasma treatment in Lynnwood to help with the pain or discomfort they may have been feeling in their foot and ankle region. The more that you know about some of the most commonly asked questions, the easier it will be for you to determine if this treatment is well-suited for your specific situation.

Your own body can heal itself very well on its own in certain circumstances. In fact, your own blood can be used to heal your body, by means of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections. Platelets are the smaller cells found in the blood that work to help form clots that stop bleeding, and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), is concentrated platelets from the patient. PRP contains a concentrated number of growth factors, which are known to stimulate healing in the body.

When a patient is in need of PRP therapy, there can be a wide range of benefits. As the PRP is injected into the body, it works to help trigger the natural healing of any injuries that are present in the affected area. The goal is to help with relieving the symptoms, but also to foster healthy healing. For some patients, the introduction of PRP therapy could help to cut back on the potential need for any medications, or having to go through with surgery.

Why Use PRP Injection Therapy?

This is a process that has been used for the helpful treatment of injuries to the cartilage, bone, ligaments, and tendons throughout the body. It has also successfully been used to treat patients that are dealing with arthritis. When it comes to the areas around the ankle and foot, PRP is helpful for the treatment and soothing of the discomfort of injuries to the ligaments and tendons like Achilles tendon, plantar fasciitis, and problems with the ankle ligaments. Additionally, since PRP uses an injection of the patients own blood, it eliminates the risk of an allergic or immune reaction, as well as disease transmission.

How Does PRP Injection Therapy Work?

During this process, a small amount of blood is taken from the patient, and then placed into a centrifuge where it is spun at a high speed for the platelets to become separated from the plasma, so they can be collected in a concentrated amount. The resulting liquid is then ready for injection near or around the area for the particular injury that is to be treated. At this stage, the platelet rich plasma is made up of around three to five times the regular concentration of growth factors when compared to that of what is found in normal human blood.

platelet rich plasma treatment in Lynnwood
It may be suggested that there is a singular injection around the site or even a series of injections, all depending upon the type of injury that is present or the manner in which the patient responds to the initial therapy. The podiatrist may also use either an x-ray or an ultrasound as a bit of a guide for proper placement of the injection.

How Much Down Time Is Required After This Procedure?

The amount of down time required after the procedure depends on the condition that has been treated. Once the PRP injection is complete, there may be a bit of irritation or mild pain in the region for a few days afterward. It may be suggested that motion is limited and that there is no weight bearing activity shortly after the injection takes place. It might also be recommended that a cast, boot or brace is used for approximately three to four weeks.

Continuing back in with regular activities and the scope of full physical activity will depend upon the basic response to therapy as suggested by your podiatrist.

How Many Injections Are Needed?

The amount of PRP injections will vary from one patient to another, as it all depends on their needs and the actual injury. This can be anywhere from three to five injections. However, if there is no improvement in the symptoms after the first couple of treatments, it is generally not continued further.

If you have questions regarding platelet rich plasma treatment in Lynnwood, contact Mill Creek Foot & Ankle Clinic at (425)482-6663.