
Chronic Lateral Ankle Pain, Treatment, and Surgery in Arlington

Chronic Lateral Ankle Pain, Treatment, and Surgery in Arlington

If you are experiencing some sort of pain that concentrates on the outer portion of your ankle, what you could be dealing with is something known as chronic lateral ankle pain. This is a condition that is well known for happening with athletes who put their feet and ankles through a lot of wear and tear, or in people who have had a sprain that did not heal properly. Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic is the best place to go when you want to have answers and help with chronic lateral ankle pain, treatment, and surgery in Arlington.

There can be a number of other causes of chronic lateral ankle pain, including:

  • Nerve injuries
  • Ankle joint lining inflammation
  • Fracture that takes place in the bones of the ankle joint
  • Arthritis in the ankle joint
  • Scar tissue that develops, causing pressure for the ligaments
  • Tendonitis or a torn tendon

People who have chronic lateral ankle pain will usually have a great deal of stiffness and swelling in the joint area. There can also be recurring pain that takes place on the lateral (outside) of the ankle that will usually worsen during exercise or excessive standing and walking.

When you see our team of professionals at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic, we will be able to give you a full examination, go over your symptoms, and then set you up with the appropriate treatment. If it seems as though surgery will be your best option to get great results, we will be happy to go over all of the details to make sure that you understand the entire process.

Call Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic at (425)482-6663 for exercises and options in chronic lateral ankle pain, treatment, and surgery in Arlington.