
Bothell Foot & Ankle Treatments

Podiatrist In Bothell

Did you know that there are a lot of people who will end up suffering from foot or ankle pain simply because they do not feel as though the issue is bad enough to have it checked out? The truth of the matter is that foot and ankle problems can start to develop at any age and the longer you let them go, they can often get worse and worse.

Pediatric Foot and Ankle Concerns, Treatment and Surgery In Bothell

Nobody wants to have to deal with any sort of food or ankle pain. However, when you are a parent who has a child that was born with foot pain and discomfort or they have been through some sort of accident or injury, it is crucial that you have them looked at by the professionals.

Platelet Rich Plasma Injections in Bothell

Mill Creek Foot & Ankle Clinic is proud to offer a ground-breaking treatment for ailments of the foot and ankle, whether acute or chronic in nature. PRP (or platelet rich plasma) injections can be completed immediately with excellent results for such issues as plantar fasciitis, unstable ankles, ligament problems, tendonitis of the Achilles tendon, calf strains and foot sprains.

Athletic Foot Care, Treatment and Surgery In Bothell

If you are a professional athlete or you regularly take part in any type of sport, you will find that there are times when you need to take care of your feet, ankle and legs.

Achilles Tendon Problems And Treatments In Bothell

There are a number of treatment options that you may have available to you and we will work with you closely to try to find the best option.

Achilles Tendon Surgery In Bothell

If you have been slated for Achilles tendon surgery in Bothell, you will find all of the information and help that you need with Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic.

Achilles Tendonitis Treatment In Bothell

When you want to have the best when it comes to Achilles tendonitis treatment in Bothell, you are going to see that Mill Creek Foot and Ankle is a wonderful option.

Acrocyanosis Treatment In Bothell

If you have been noticing that you have discoloration of your feet or ankles, then you may actually be suffering from a vascular disorder that is known as acrocyanosis.

Orthotic Shoes In Bothell

Once you meet with us, we may be able to help you so that you can get orthotic shoes in Bothell to give you some of the relief that you are looking for.

Alcoholic Neuropathy Treatment In Bothell

With Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic, you will be able to get the help that you need for proper alcoholic neuropathy treatment in Bothell.

Amniotic Band Syndrome Treatment In Bothell

By simply making an appointment to meet with the team at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic, you are sure to get plenty of answers to point you in the right direction for the help that you need.

Ankle Problems And Treatments In Bothell

If you are experiencing some sort of issue and you would like to get answers for ankle problems and treatments in Bothell, you will find the help that you need with Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic.

Foot And Ankle Arthritis Treatment In Bothell

While you may associate arthritis with your hands, you should also know that there are a lot of people that can end up developing this condition in the feet and ankles. If this is something that you are experiencing, you should be looking for help with foot and ankle arthritis treatment in Bothell so that you can get some much needed relief.

Ankle Sprain Treatment In Bothell

If you are having issues with your ankle, it is going to be crucial that you make your way to Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic for proper ankle sprain treatment in Bothell.

Ankle Surgery In Bothell

Our staff at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic will be happy to talk with you about all of the options that you have for treatment and what you could expect as you move forward.

Arch And Ball Problems And Treatment In Bothell

There can be a wide variety of reasons why someone would start to notice that they are having some pain and discomfort in the arch or ball of their foot. If you are someone who is in need of help with arch and ball problems and treatment in Bothell, you need to be able to work with a team of professionals.

Foot And Ankle Arthritis Surgery In Bothell

If you are interested in learning all about your options when it comes to foot and ankle arthritis surgery in Bothell, you should know that Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic will always have your best interests in mind.

Arthroscopy Treatment And Surgery In Bothell

The ankles are part of the human body that are known for having to take on a lot of pressure and movement on a daily basis.

Athlete’s Foot (tinea pedis) Treatment In Bothell

This is a condition of your feet that can end up getting worse and turn into a much more difficult issue if it persists. For some patients, over the counter ointments and sprays may not be able to get the job done.

Foot Blister Treatment In Bothell

Even though they can be quite common, a blister on the foot can be very uncomfortable and could lead to infection if not treated properly.

Broken Ankle Treatment And Surgery In Bothell

Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic is able to guide you through the entire treatment process and get you on a path to healing that you are sure to benefit from.

Bunion Prevention, Treatment And Surgery In Bothell

There are a lot of people who tend to find that a bunion issue is something that runs in their family. However, bunions can also be due to the way that we walk or the types of shoes that we are putting on our feet. For example, women who wear heels will develop bunions a lot more often than men do.

Burning Feet Syndrome Treatment In Bothell

There can be a lot of different medical conditions that will cause burning feet, with diabetes being one of the most common.

Foot Calluses Treatment In Bothell

Our friendly staff will be able to help you to address whatever issue you are having and then formulate a treatment plan that will give results.

Foot And Ankle Cancer Treatment In Bothell

If you or someone that you know has been diagnosed with cancer of this region, you need to be able to talk with a professional for the best care.

Chilblains (Cold Feet) Treatment In Bothell

Once you notice that you are having symptoms on your feet that seem to be painful, itchy and small lumps on the skin, what you could be developing is something known as chilblains.

Common Foot Injury Treatment and Surgery in Bothell

Have you undergone a foot fracture? There are actually 26 bones in the human foot, and in the foot, each one of these bones can become fractured. What you may not realize is that there are a number of different kinds of fractures as well. There could be a time where a bone will break and stay in place, or a bone could break into two pieces and move away from one another. No matter what kind of foot injury you are dealing with or the severity of your fracture, our staff will be able to help.

Clubfoot Treatment and Surgery in Bothell

There can be a number of congenital deformities that take place in the lower limbs that can be present at birth, leading to an altered shape and appearance in the legs. Clubfoot happens to be one of the most common deformities in the pediatric world, with feet becoming twisted inward.

Claw Toe Treatment and Surgery in Bothell

What could be causing the pain that you are having in your feet? If you have claw toes, there can be a number of things that cause the discomfort and sometimes sharp pains that are involved. This imbalance in your foot muscles can be treated with the help of Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic. Calling us today for claw toe treatment and surgery in Bothell will give you some hope for healing to feel like yourself once again.

Chronic Lateral Ankle Pain, Treatment, and Surgery in Bothell

Have you or someone in your family gone through a recent ankle sprain that may not have healed completely? If so, it can be the main culprit for your chronic ankle pain. There can be other causes like inflammation of your joints or tendons, injury to your muscles, tendons, and nerves, or even scar tissue that is developing.

Children’s Feet Care, Treatment, and Surgery in Bothell

We will be able to give you all of the guidance and advice that you need to make sure that your child’s feet are on the right developmental path. Once we are able to pinpoint whatever condition your child may have, we will then be able to formulate the best possible treatment to enhance growth and make sure that everything is going just as it should be.