You may think that if you simply start to notice some discoloration of one or more of your toenails that it is not a big deal. However, when that toenail starts to get dark or even turn black, it is crucial that you are able to get it looked at as soon as possible. Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic is available to look at your feet, go over what might be causing the trauma and then offer black toenails treatment and surgery in Redmond.
Maybe you are wearing shoes that are not quite suited for your feet or you have a lot of wear and tear during running and other activities that have cause an irritation or some sort of trauma? Repeated trauma, fungal infection or even malignant melanoma can all be the cause of discolored or black toenails.
The discoloration that builds up within the area under your toenail is actually a collection of blood that is known as a subungal hematoma. When this type of a collection of blood takes place, the nail can discolor or turn black, there can be a great deal of pressure an even a good bit of pain.
In order to relieve the pain and pressure, it may be necessary to have your toe operated on to remove the toenail. Another option could be drilling a hole so that the blood is able to drain off. This can also be very helpful if you happen to have any sort of infection or pus that is built up under the toenail.
Are you looking for black toenails treatment and surgery in Redmond? Call Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic at (425)482-6663 to schedule your consultation.