
Arthroscopy Treatment And Surgery In Mountlake Terrace

Arthroscopy Treatment And Surgery In Mountlake TerraceSmall joint arthroscopy treatment and surgery in Mountlake Terrace is something that you can look into for your foot and ankle region. When you are having issues with the joint in your ankle, you will find all of the answers that you are looking for by simply talking to Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic.

The specialists at the clinic will be able to use this arthroscopic procedure to help identify any potential problem that may be present with your foot and ankle joint. With some simple small incisions, your surgeon will be able to insert a camera that will then provide an up close view of the interior portion of the joint and any damage cartilage. At the end of the arthroscopic instrument there is a camera that then projects the imagery onto a screen for easy viewing and magnification.

Depending on the issues on the inside of the joint and any of the debris that is present, the surgeon will then be able to work while using specialized tools. These surgical tools are made specifically to fit into small incisions so that work can be done within the joint.

There are a number of advantages from having arthroscopic surgery, which will include a reduction in the amount of trauma because of the small instruments that are being used. The smaller instruments help to create much less damage to the skin in the surrounding area as well as the tendons, ligaments and the bony structures. Full movement of the joint after surgery will help to reduce any stiffness, swelling and some of the otherwise uncomfortable healing process.

If you want to learn more about options in arthroscopy treatment and surgery in Mountlake Terrace, call Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic at (425)482-6663.