Treating an ankle sprain is something that needs to be done carefully so that you are not risking damaging the area any further. Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic is available to give you all of the best when it comes to ankle sprain treatment in Marysville so that you can get on the mend as soon as possible.
During the treatment process, it is going to be crucial that you are able to rest the ankle as much as possible. Depending on the level of injury, our team may suggest that you use crutches until the time that your walking is not going to be painful.
A good way to help to get the swelling down is to ice the area for at least the first couple of days. Compression wraps are also great for helping to cut down the swelling and it will give you some extra support on an ankle that may otherwise be compromised or unstable to stand on. No matter what, you need to follow the instructions given for treatment so that you are able to heal and get back on your feet within as short of a time as possible.
If you are looking for ankle sprain treatment in Marysville, you can turn to the professionals at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic. Call us at (425)482-6663 and we will set you up with an appointment for a full evaluation of your injury to make sure that the proper course of treatment is started. This will be the best way for you to heal and get back to your daily activities, whether it be regular exercise, normal day to day activities, sports and so much more.