There are a number of options that you will have when you are looking for help with amniotic band syndrome treatment in Mountlake Terrace. When you set up a time to meet with us at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic, we will work hard to inform you on all that goes into each procedure, the potential damage that can be done with this condition and what the outlook may be for the future. This is the type of professional guidance that you need as a parent faced with such a health concern. After all, you need to have the reassurance of an experienced team going into any sort of treatment for your child.
In more severe cases of amniotic band syndrome, it may be suggested that there be some sort of in utero surgery that is done. This takes place prior to giving birth on the unborn fetus to make sure that the limbs are freed from any of the loosened amniotic bands that pose a danger of amputation or worse. Today, there are actually a number of minimally invasive in utero surgical procedures that can be done in cases involving amniotic band damage.
Because we are team that specializes in podiatry, we will be able to talk with you about any of the measures that can be done once your child is born as well. This could include corrective surgical procedures, treatment of club foot or the fitting of devices to ensure the utmost quality of life and range of movement.
If you are seeking answers and guidance regarding amniotic band syndrome treatment in Mountlake Terrace, call Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic at (425)482-6663. We look forward to meeting with you and going over your concerns for treatment.