
Alcoholic Neuropathy Treatment In Woodinville

Did you now that roughly half of the population of people dealing with alcoholism will be diagnosed with a condition known as alcoholic neuropathy? This is a condition where the alcohol that goes throughout your system starts to cause damage to the nerves in your extremities, most often your feet. You can get the alcoholic neuropathy treatment in Woodinville that you deserve with help from our professional team at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic.

Alcoholic Neuropathy Treatment In Woodinville

Once you make an appointment with us, you will be able to learn more about how the nerves in your feet work along with the way that alcoholism can play a major role in the development of the condition. From there, we can work on a proper diagnosis so that we can move forward with a good treatment plan that will start to give you a great deal of relief. There can be a lot of pain, numbness and discomfort that comes along with this condition, so it is important that you work on treating it as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, there is no way to reverse any of the damage that is done when you start to develop alcoholic neuropathy. Instead, the treatment plan will be more focused on controlling the discomfort that you are dealing with and making sure that you are able to prevent injuries from happening moving forward.

Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic is available to help you with options in alcoholic neuropathy treatment in Woodinville. Call (425)482-6663 for information on how you can start in on a focused, customized treatment plan to give you the relief that you are looking for. You deserve to have some much needed comfort to help you tackle any of your daily activities.