If you have been someone who has been consuming alcoholic beverage in excessive amounts for a long period of time, you are going to be much more prone to the development of alcoholic neuropathy. This is a condition where the ethanol that is found in alcoholic beverages acts like a toxin that attacks nerve tissue in the extremities. Whenever you feel as though you are developing the symptoms or you have been diagnosed with this problem, it is going to be important that you seek the help that you need for professional alcoholic neuropathy treatment in Mukilteo. The help that you are looking for can be found when you make an initial appointment to see our team at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic.
With excessive consumption of alcohol, the nerves in both the hands and feet can start to suffer from irreversible damage. This will lead to a loss of sensation, pins and needles, sharp pain and a number of other symptoms. Due to the nature of this condition, it is crucial that someone who has been diagnosed looks for ways to control the pain and work on ways to prevent injuries from happening.
If you have been diagnosed with this particular form of neuropathy, the best chance you have of having some sort of relief is working with a professional. Once you have addressed the problem with alcohol, there can be a focus on maximizing your daily movements and trying to live a lifestyle that is as free from pain as possible so that you no longer have to suffer.
Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic is available to help you with options in alcoholic neuropathy treatment in Mukilteo. Call us at (425)482-6663 for information.