
Alcoholic Neuropathy Treatment In Kirkland

A podiatrist is always going to be the best specialist to help you when you are dealing with any sort of pain, tingling or numb feeling that you are feeling in your feet. If you are a drinker who has been consuming alcoholic beverages in excess for a long period of time, the chances are good that what you are dealing with is a condition that is known as alcoholic neuropathy. Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic will be able to work with you to give you all that you need in terms of alcoholic neuropathy treatment in Kirkland.

Alcoholic Neuropathy Treatment In Kirkland

More than half of the people who are working through an addiction to alcohol will end up developing some form of alcoholic neuropathy at some point in their life. Unfortunately, any damage that is caused by the toxins found in alcohol is unable to get reversed even with a wealth of treatments. Instead, the treatment will be more of a focus on controlling the pain, making sure that there are no injuries that take place moving forward and that the patient has the ability to remain comfortable and active.

Proper exercise, caring for your feet with supports, wearing supportive compression socks and taking on a number of beneficial supplements can be a nice way to start to get some much needed relief. Once you have the ability to meet with our staff for an initial consultation, you will be one step closer to the answers and treatment options that you need to feel better and take on your daily activities.

Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic is available to help you with options in alcoholic neuropathy treatment in Kirkland. Call us at (425)482-6663 for information.