If you are a runner or someone who is very into sports or exercise, one of the last things that you will want to happen is have issue with your Achilles tendon. However, there are times when such a condition is just unavoidable and you need to be able to have all of the right tools that will allow you to heal and move forward with your life as you once knew it. Our team of professionals at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic will be able to formulate a plan that will allow you to get the Achilles tendonitis treatment in Redmond so that you will hopefully soon be free of the pain and discomfort that this condition brings on.
Plenty of rest, anti-inflammatory medications and pain relievers are all usually at the top of the list when it comes to working on healing an Achilles tendon injury. Our podiatrist may also suggest heat or cold therapies, massage and other hands on treatments to try and relieve some of your discomfort. After a period of time using the non-invasive treatment options, if there is no improvement then it is going to be necessary to look into more invasive treatments such as surgery.
Regardless of what needs to be done to help you with your Achilles tendonitis, you can rest assured in knowing that our professional staff is going to be there every step of the way to give you the guidance that you need. Call (425)482-6663 to talk with the professionals at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic about your options in Achilles tendonitis treatment in Redmond. We will be happy to set you up with an initial appointment so that you can get the treatment started and begin your path to healing.