
Achilles Tendonitis Treatment In Mercer Island

There are a lot of people who are suffering from Achilles tendonitis that are not even aware that they have the condition. This is an issue that can develop with the presentation of pain, swelling and redness that will radiate from the heel up the calf. If you are feeling as though you are dealing with this condition, you will find a good bit of relief when you make some time to meet with us at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic for Achilles tendonitis treatment in Mercer Island.

Achilles Tendonitis Treatment In Mercer Island

Once you have an initial consultation, you will be able to go through a full examination so that we can determine whether or not you are dealing with Achilles tendonitis. Upon determining the severity of your injury to the tendon, it will be easier for us to help put together a good treatment plan that will hopefully get you back on track so that you can go on with your life and daily motions as normal.

There are some cases where a patient with Achilles tendonitis will not be able to fully heal or there could be more of an injury that will take place. If this is the case, it will be necessary to think about more involved therapies such as steroidal treatments or surgery to remedy the issue. Regardless of the treatment that is decided upon, we will be able to do everything possible to make sure that you are comfortable during the healing process.

Call (425)482-6663 to talk with the professionals at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic about your options in Achilles tendonitis treatment in Mercer Island. We look forward to meeting with you so that we can give you the insight you need and treatment plan that is necessary for the healing to come.