Whether you are a professional athlete or you simply enjoy working out or playing on local sports teams, you do run the risk of an injury to your Achilles tendon. This is a tendon that stretches from your heel up through your calf muscles and it works to control how you point your toes or extend your foot. If you are feeling any sort of pain, swelling or discomfort in that area, it is going to be best that you call us at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic regarding Achilles tendon problems and treatment in Renton.
This is a tendon that is commonly injured and it certainly does not discriminate. A lot of injuries to the Achilles tendon are caused by what is known as tendonitis. This is a condition where the tendon can become swollen and rather painful. When a patient has a more severe injury to their Achilles tendon, it can lead to a partial tear or a complete rupture. Both of these outcomes will call for guidance with a professional such as our podiatrist at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic.
Some of the causes of injury to the Achilles tendon can include increased physical activity without proper warm up, overuse of the tendon, issues with flat feet or fallen arches or even muscles within the leg that are too tight. When you work with our professional team, you will have all of the information that you need to not only treat the condition with your Achilles, but also have the knowledge to keep it from getting injured in the future.
Call Mill Creek Foot and Ankle Clinic today regarding Achilles tendon problems and treatment in Renton at (425)482-6663.