
Treat Your Feet: Visit A Podiatrist

Treat Your Feet: Visit A Podiatrist

One of the most used and abused parts of the body, the average adult foot can walk an average of 18,000 steps per day – yet this is an area of the body that rarely gets proper attention. Patients often only seek out a podiatrist after their feet already have issues or problems, but preventative care can go a long way. If you have been searching for a podiatrist in Bothell – Mill Creek, look no further than Dr. Hall at Mill Creek Foot and Ankle, where you can learn more about preventative athletic foot care, treatment and surgery before it may be needed.

Podiatrist in Bothell - Mill Creek

Of course, not all adults are athletes, but we all still walk a fair amount each day, especially if we have a job that demands us to be on our feet, or we live an active lifestyle. Help take care of feet by washing them every day, but also drying them off well. Putting socks on moist feet can lead to the growth of fungus, as well as other problems.

Socks and shoes that do not fit properly can also cause damage to feet. Find socks and shoes that fit well for comfort and also preventative care. A proper shoe fitting can help patients who are experiencing discomfort in the foot or ankle area. This can be easily done here, in our Mill Creek office, and we can offer you expert advice on what shoes to wear and how to better take care of your feet.

As any other doctor will tell you, being overweight is bad for overall health, but especially wears on the feet. Carrying extra weight can not only lead to foot problems, but back and muscle problems as well. Those who are overweight should switch to a diet of healthy, leafy greens and vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins. While you are getting your diet back on track, stretch 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening to relax the muscles in the body and feet.

For more tips on how to take care of feet, or to learn other preventative measures to help, call the Mill Creek Foot & Ankle Clinic at (425)482-6663. Our podiatrist, Dr. Hall, will spend as much time as needed with each patient so they receive the best care. As the best and most supportive podiatrists in Mill Creek – Bothell, we are here to help our patients walk and feel better.