
Platelet Rich Plasma Injections in Seattle

Platelet Rich Plasma Injections in Seattle

When your foot or ankle is injured, you have a serious locomotion problem. Pain prevents you from completing everyday tasks. Typical problems with this area of the body include Achilles tendon issues, unstable ankles, a sprained foot or strained calf, a tear in a ligament or plantar fasciitis. Whether the damage is acute or chronic, it is important to treat it as soon as possible. Mill Creek Foot & Ankle Clinic can now effectively treat your injury with platelet rich plasma injections in Seattle in only one appointment. Dr. Hall has treated more than 100 patients with this ground-breaking therapy and is currently studying its use on arthritis of the joints.

The body initiates a healing cascade when suffering a wound. Damaged tissues are repaired in a specific sequence. After an injury, you will experience swelling and redness in the area that is evidence of the blood gathering there. This is known as the inflammatory phase and it lasts for about one week. Scar tissue and collagen form over the next 8-12 weeks. Regeneration ensues during the last 24 weeks as tissues are restored and scar tissue is eliminated.

If an injury is not handled in a speedy manner, the healing cascade cannot complete the healing progression. The quiescent phase indicates that the process has ceased. This leads to chronic pain in the area and no further healing takes place.

Injecting platelet rich plasma into the wound causes the healing cascade to start over again with the inflammatory phase. The whole process can now be completed with total restoration.

PRP therapy is uncomplicated. A vial of blood is drawn and then placed into a centrifuge which divides whole blood from the platelet rich plasma. The damaged ankle or foot is given an anesthetic and PRP injected right into the injury. For maximum healing, the foot and ankle are placed in a boot for about 4 weeks.

Schedule your appointment today for platelet rich plasma injections in Seattle for your incapacitated ankle or foot. Call Mill Creek Foot & Ankle Clinic at (425)482-6663 for pain relief and total healing.